Build regular hoof traffic, improve herd health, and grow the deer you want to see with a food plot.
We offer a selection of bulk seeds, forage mixes, and prepackaged food plot mixes. We also sell fertilizers and lime— we’re your one-stop food plot shop!
Prices updated 3/28/25
Bulk Mixes
Available by the pound or by the bag.
Know what you want? Call ahead and we’ll have your order bagged up for you!
All prices subject to change.

Trophy Buck
$2/lb $80/50 lbs
75 lbs per acre
Score big with this late-season mix. Blended to plant August through September for best results.
Quick growing succulent plants that deer love, with some overwintering plants available for late winter or very early spring grazing.
Plant in full sun.
Fertilize with 300 lbs. 19-19-19/acre
27% Winter Wheat
20% Winter Peas
20% Soybeans
16% Oats
6% Annual Rye
6% Crimson Clover
2% Forage Brassica
2% Dwarf Essex Rape
1% Turnip

Wildlife Forage Feast
$5.50/lb $212/50 lbs
6 lbs per acre
A premier annual brassica mix that will provide palatable tops for grazing & tubers deer will feed on in the late fall and early winter after a good freeze. Plant in full sun from mid-June through August. Seed at 6 lbs/acre into a firm seedbed. Brassicas are a very small seed and do not handle deep planting so it is important to roll the seedbed before and after planting.
Fertilize at 300 lbs / acre with 19-19-19.
68% Rape
10% Improved Forage Kale
8% Appin Turnip
8% Hybrid Brassica
6% Swede

Buck Chew
$2/lb $70/50 lbs
60 lbs per acre
Quick growing annual forage mix that is perfect for the first-time plot in an area. Can be seeded in early spring, April through May, or late summer. If seeded in August, and not overgrazed, the high sugar content ryegrass & clover will overwinter.
at planting into a well-tilled seedbed. Seeding too deep will stop the clover from coming up.
Roll after seeding.
Seed at 60 lbs/acre with 300 lbs 19-19-19
32% Forage Oats
30% Triticale
20% Barley
15% Italian Ryegrass
3% Crimson Clover

Big Buck Clover
$6/lb $290/50 lbs
20 lbs per acre
A blend of high-yielding protein-rich perennial clovers, and a touch of palatable chicory, suited for well-drained soils. Plant in a firm seedbed that has been rolled before & after seeding.
Incorporate 300 lbs of 10-20-20 fertilizer per acre prior to planting. Fertilize annually with 250 lbs 10-20-20 for the life of it.
45% Jumbo Ladino Clover
25% Red Clover
20% White Clover
10% Chicory

Game Bird Buffet
$3/lb $110/50 lbs
20 lbs per acre
An annual mix of grain-producing seeds. It will grow to 3-5 ft tall with adequate soil fertility provide good quality feed and cover for all game birds, turkeys and deer through the late fall.
Incorporate 350 lbs. 10-10-10 fertilizer before planting and seed at 20 lbs/acre in a well-tilled level seedbed. Roll after seeding. Ideal seed depth should be 1/2″ – 1″ deep.
25% Wildlife Grain Sorghum
25% Dwarf Sunflowers
20% Japanese Millet
15% Dwarf Corn
15% Buckwheat

Wildlife Meadow Mix
$5.50/lb $100/20 lbs
20 lbs per acre
A resilient perennial mix with the ability to handle partial shade. Meadow mix is designed for small meadows and logging roads that need durable cover with little maintenance. It will provide food and habitat for diverse game birds & whitetails.
Fertilize at planting with 250 lbs of 15-15-15 per acre & lime.
30% Jumbo Ladino
30% Medium Red Clover
15% Alsike Clover
10% Red Fescue
10% Festulolium
5% Orchardgrass

Co Clovers
Plant in spring through August
GALLANT RED CLOVER $5.50/lb $265/ 50 lbs
High yield & disease resistance for outstanding longevity.
8-12 lbs per acre. Perennial. Coated, pre-innoculated.
MEDIUM RED CLOVER $3.75/lb $187/ 50 lbs
Short-lived, excellent in mixes and for nitrogen.
8-12 lbs per acre. Perennial.
CRIMSON RED CLOVER $3.65/lb $182/ 50 lbs
Highly attractive and very nutritious annual that often reseeds if left uncut.
10-20 lbs per acre. Annual.
NEW!! DUTCH WHITE CLOVER $6.05/lb $302/ 50 lbs
Great in lawns. Attracts pollinators and provides erosion control. 3-5″ tall. Covers quickly and crowds out weeds; makes great ground cover between rows in a garden!
8-12 lbs per acre. Perennial.
WHITE CLOVER $6.70/lb $334/ 50 lbs
Superior production, shorter in height than Ladino, stands last many years.
5-8 lbs per acre. Perennial.
JUMBO LADINO WHITE CLOVER $6.25/lb $312/ 50 lbs
Large leafed, high yields, more vigorous & faster growing than other white clovers.
10-14 lbs per acre. Perennial.
CLOVER OVER $5.50/lb $250/ 50 lbs
Mix of 60% medium red, 30% ladino, 10% white clover. Quick growing. Perfect for over seeding.
5-15 lbs per acre. Perennial.
MAMMOTH RED CLOVER $3.15/lb $157/ 50 lbs
Large, fast growing. Offers ideal grazing. Can be sowed spring, summer or fall. Great choice for frost seeding; extremely cold hardy. Does well in most soils & growing conditions. Great for bees, chicken forage, deer attractant, and erosion control.
5-15 lbs per acre. Plant 1/4″ deep.
NEW! RAPTOR RED CLOVER $3.75/lb $187/ 50 lbs
Multipurpose high quality red clover perfect in mixes, pure stand, and wildlife habitat. Excellent dry matter. Great for frost seeding.
8-12 lbs per acre
Great sweet clover that blooms in spring and summer. Drought tolerant, does well in dry spring. Sweet odor attracts a wide range of pollinators.
8-10 lbs per acre
Crimson Clover & Radish Mix $3.45/lb $172/50 lb
15 lbs per acre
70% crimson clover, 30% penetrator radish.
One of the most widely used combinations. Excellent for relieving soil compaction and improving soil quality while providing excellent forage for deer.

Plant May-August at 4-8 lbs. per acre alone or 2 lbs. in a mix
DWARF ESSEX $2.50/lb
A low growing rape that has high protein content, excellent palatability, and can tolerate varying growing conditions.
BONAR $4.50/lb
Late maturing forage rape with short stems and large paddle leaves. After the first frost the leaves become sweet and palatable and will lure deer to whatever area they are planted in making Bonar a great late fall to mid-winter crop for deer. Great mixed with clover, turnips, or other brassicas.
Short season rape that produces more biomass than conventional rape seed and produces better quality forage.

Chicory & Kale
High-yielding large leafed perennial that is excellent feed for wildlife. Oasis emerges from winter earlier so it has a longer growing season. Excellent summer forage during the summer slump.
Can be drilled or broadcasted in new or existing seed beds. Can be frost seeded in early spring.
Medium maturing brassica with good winter hardiness. Smaller stems with large leaves. Can grow to over 4 ft. Plant in spring for late season high protein grazing for deer.

Plant early spring through mid-August
1-4 lbs per acre
A forage turnip bred for fast, vigorous establishment and quick maturity. Great mixed with cover rye and other grasses.
Early maturing forage brassica cross between a forage turnip and forage rape. Excellent leafy food source which will be dug up and eaten in winter.
Produces hearty forage for deer. 2-5″ in diameter. Very heat tolerant.
New generation swede with huge bulbs and high yield. Great selection for grazing both bulbs and leaves.

$2.25/lb $100/50 lb
8-12 lbs per acre alone, 5 lbs per acre in a mix.
A proven daikon type forage radish. Grows quickly with large lush leaves and huge bulbs. Grazes well.
$2.75/lb $131/50 lb
8-12 lbs per acre alone, 5 lbs per acre in a mix.
A true forage-type daikon radish with large taproot and superior penetrating ability. Features new genetics with improved rooting and delayed maturity. The best cover crop radish available today.
Crimson Clover & Radish Mix
$3.45/lb $172/50 lb
15 lbs per acre
70% crimson clover, 30% penetrator radish. One of the most widely used combinations. Excellent for relieving soil compaction and improving soil quality while providing excellent forage for deer.
10 lbs/acre
An irresistible early addition to your food plot. Can be planted 2-3 weeks before forecasted last frost. Deer are browsers and naturally enjoy a variety in the wild and a food plot should provide variety. Deer love the leaves and the roots. Can be planted in most soils, even heavy soils.
Can be broadcasted. Plant 1/2″ to 1″ deep using 300 lbs per acre of 19-19-19.
G1 Soybeans COMING SOON!
$1.50/lb. $54/50 lb bag.
75 lbs per acre. Plant May-July.
Round-up ready high-yielding soybean with broad adaptability. Tall, medium bushy plants. Provides a good protein source for deer.
$1.50/lb. $46/50 lb. bag
50-60 lbs per acre. Plant April through September.
Warm season annual that grows quickly smothering weeds and providing great forage in your food plot.
Austrian Winter Peas
$1.60 $70/50 lb bag
50-60 lbs per acre. Plant August through September. Annual.
Cool-season plant that’s high in protein and can grow as high as 4′. Provides an abundance of quality forage that really attracts deer. Can be broadcasted or drilled. Likes well drained soils. Will overwinter with spring growth.
$4.80/lb. $239/50 lb bag
10-15 lbs per acre.
Very short stature corn with low ear placement. Attractive to most wildlife.
$1.40/lb $68/50 lbs. (price updated 6/9/23)
45-65 lbs per acre.
Quick growing annual for all soils. Plant after last frost through the entire growing season. Great with field peas or soybeans. Excellent weed suppressor. Grows 2-4 feet tall. A great soil builder.
75¢/lb $30/48 lb bag
Plant 100 lbs per acre or 64+ lbs as a nurse crop in early spring through fall.
Large leafed. Best forage oat available for a wide range of soils.
Buck Forage Oats COMING SUMMER 2025
pre-order now!
Plant 100 lbs per acre
High nutrient values, excellent palatability, and superior winter tolerance make forage oats the preferred winter forage for deer.
Easy to plant and maintain. Strip plant Buck Forage next to any clover, blend, turnips, rape, and other planting.
Plant in Fall, or Frost Seed.
Drill, Disk or Broadcast
Select Armor Oats (mill run) 50¢/lb $15 50 lb bag
A productive medium maturity light yellow oat. Very similar appearance to Ogle with better test weight & yield.
100 lbs per acre. Annual.
Cover Crop Cereal Rye 50¢/lb $24/56 lb bag
112-168 lbs. per acre.
Can be seeding into late fall. Exceptional weed suppression, grows taller than wheat. Resumes growth quickly in spring.
Egyptian Wheat $3/lb $140/50 lb bag
20-30 lbs. per acre.
Plants can reach 8-12 foot tall & provide cover and corridors for deer movement. High protein seed produced serves as a great source of food for game birds. Plant early for tallest crop.
Japanese Millet $1.30/lb $62/50 lb bag
32-44 lbs per acre. Annual.
Warm season growing crop for mid season grazing and forage production. Livestock find the forage palatable and it can be cut and grazed multiple times.
Cattleman’s Choice Sudan Sorghum $1.20/lb $53/50 lb bag
50-65 lbs per acre. Annual.
High yielding, vigorous growth.
Tradition Spring Barley 50¢/lb $22/50 lb bag
120+ lbs per acre. Annual.
2 row feed-type spring barley with excellent grain yields. Also works well as a nurse crop for new seedlings.
Forage Pollinator Mixture $3/lb COMING SOON
24 lbs per acre
50% buckwheat, 17% crimson clover, 13% medium red clover, 8% ladino clover, 8% yellow blossom, sweet clover, 4% alsike clover
Seed mixture designed for the establishment of native pollinators and encouraging biodiversity, throughout
the season, with specific blends of wildflowers to bloom throughout the year. Attractive forage to deer!