Better Pasture, Better Results.

Whether you’re starting fresh, or refreshing an old field or pasture, we’ve got the seed you need for the job. Seed is available by the pound or by the bag.

All prices subject to change.

Hay Mixes
Annual Forage Crops
Small Grain & Cover Crops
Lawn Seeds

Get the most out of your seed with fertilizers and lime.


GALLANT RED CLOVER $5.50/lb      $265/ 50 lbs
High yield & disease resistance for outstanding longevity.
8-12 lbs/acre. Perennial.

MEDIUM RED CLOVER $3.75/lb      $187/ 50 lbs
Short-lived, excellent in mixes and for nitrogen.
8-12 lbs/acre. Perennial.

CRIMSON RED CLOVER $3.65/lb      $182/ 50 lbs
Highly attractive and very nutritious annual that often reseeds if left uncut.
10-20 lbs/acre. Annual.

WHITE CLOVER $6.70/lb      $334/ 50 lbs 
Superior production, shorter in height than Ladino, stands last many years.
5-8 lbs/acre. Perennial.

JUMBO LADINO WHITE CLOVER $6.25/lb      $312/ 50 lbs
Large-leafed, high yields, more vigorous & faster growing than other white clovers.
10-14 lbs/acre. Perennial.

ALSIKE CLOVER $4.30/lb      $213/ 50 lbs
Good in mixes on marginal & wet soils.
Not recommended for areas that will be grazed by horses.

CLOVER OVER $5.50/lb               $250/ 50 lbs
Mix of 60% medium red, 30% ladino, 10% white clover. Quick growing. Perfect for over-seeding.
5-15 lbs/acre. Perennial.

MAMMOTH RED CLOVER $3.15/lb        $157/ 50 lbs
Large, fast-growing. Offers ideal grazing. Can be sowed in spring, summer, or fall. A great choice for frost seeding; extremely cold hardy. Does well in most soils & growing conditions.
5-15 lbs/acre. Annual.

Crimson Clover & Radish Mix 
$3.45/lb      $172/50 lb
70% crimson clover, 30% penetrator radish. One of the most widely used combinations. Excellent for relieving soil compaction and improving soil quality while providing excellent forage for deer.
15 lbs/acre.

Dutch White Clover
$6.05/lb  $302/50 lb  Coming Soon
Great in lawns, attracts  pollinators, provides erosion control. Great ground cover between rows in a garden. Covers quickly and crowds out weeds. 3-5″ tall.
8-12 pounds per acre

Yellow Blossom Sweet Clover COMING SOON
$5.60/lb       $280/50 lbs
Great sweet clover that blooms in spring and summer. Drought tollerant. Attracts a large range of pollinators.
8-10 lbs per acre

$3.75/lb  $187.00/50 lbs
Multipurpose high quality red clover perfect in mixes, pure stands, and wildlife habitat. Excellent dry matter, great for frost seeding.
8-12 lbs per acre



ACC Trueman      $5.40/lb        $297 50 lb bag

Has the unique ability to develop underground rhizomes and spread. Deep rooted with high survival rates in flood situations. Excellent companion with grasses in poorer drained fields. Candian bred with ecellent winter hardiness.
18-24 lbs/acre alone; 8-16 in a mix. Perennial.

NE Premium   
$4.20/lb         $212 50 lb bag

 Economical seeding for rotations of 3 years or less.
18-20 lbs/acre alone; 8-16 in a mix. Perennial.


Triple Threat   $4.70/lb        $235 50 lb bag

32.5% 4030 Alfalfa, 32.5% Reload BR Alfalfa, 35% NE Premium.

Premium performance alfalfa blend for variable soils that won’t break the bank. Combines high yielding varieties with unbeatable wet soil performance.
18-14 lbs/acre alone; 8-16 in a mix. Perennial.



Climax Timothy  $3.00/lb         $137 50 lb bag
Large first cutting, persists in adverse conditions
8-10 lbs/acre; 2-6 lbs in a mix. Perennial.

PS 2000 Medium Maturity $4.00/lb      $195 50 lb
Highest yielding, grow with alfala,red clover or trefoil mixes.
8-10 lbs/acre alone; 2-6 lbs in a mix. Perennial

Sunrise II Very Early Maturity $4.00/lb        $195 50 lbs
Rapid regrowth, use in aggressive cutting programs
8-10 lbs/acre alone; 2-6 in a mix. Perennial.

Sunset II Very Late Maturity      $4.00/lb   $195 50 lbs
Perfect with late maturing alfalfa & trefoil. Great summer performance
8-10 lbs/acre alone; 2-6 lbs in a mix. Perennial.





Crown Royal Orchardgrass $4.50/lb     $224 50 lbs
Tried & true late maturing orchardgrass.  Increase tillering with less of a bunch type growth habit
18-25 lbs/acre alone; 4-8 lbs in mixes. Perennial.


PS Late Hull-less Orchardgrass  $5/lb      $250 50 lbs
Super quality, faster germinating, works ideally with other grasses & legumes
12-14 lbs/acre alone; 6-8 lbs in a mix. Perennial.

Revive Orchardgrass Blend   $4/lb       $200 50 lbs
New early maturing blend with earlier heading date & faster re-growth.  Higher yields for aggressive hay growers, improved disease resistance
18-25 lbs/acre alone; 4-8 in a mix. Perennial.








Nordic Trefoil $10/lb $494 50 lbs
For hay or pasture
10-13 lbs/acre alone; 3-10 in a mix. Perennial.




Payday Tetraploid Perennial Rye Grass  $3.50/lb     $174 50 lbs
25-38 lbs/acre alone; 4-15 lbs in a mix. Perennial.



       Hay Mixes

MEADOW MIX ATT     $5.20/lb        $259 50 lbs
50% 4030 Alfalfa, 35% Sunrise 2 Timothy, 15% Nordic Trefoil.
Recommended for variable drainage conditions. Sunrise establishes throughout the field, the trefoil takes over when Timothy & Alfalfa thin out.
22 lbs/acre. Perennial. 

WET SOIL MIX    $5.20/lb        $200 50 lbs
25% Forage Tall Fescue, 25% Chiefton Reed Canarygrass, 20% Gallant Red Clover, 20% Sunset Timothy, 10% Trefoil.
Our highest-yielding mix for wet or variable soils. Also produces quality forage on well-drained fields.
25 lbs/acre. Perennial.

HORSE HAYMAKER MIX      $4.00/lb      $196 50 lbs
50% PS 2000 Timothy, 20% Echelon Orchardgrass, 15% Filly Forage Kentucky Bluegrass, 5% Payday Tetraploid Perennial Ryegrass Contains all fine stemmed, leafy species of grass for extremely palatable forage. Provides optimum nutrition for horses forage needs.
25 lbs/acre. Perennial.

HIGH CALIBER HAY MIX      $4.50/lb       $223 50 lbs
40% PS 2000 Timothy, 25% Echelon Orchardgrass, 25% 4030 Alfalfa, 10% Payday Tetraploid Perennial Ryegrass.
Very palatable hay for all livestock.  Great for Alpacas.  Yields best in moderately drained soils.  For hay that stays greener in the summer.
18-25 lbs. Perennial.


KENTUCKY HORSE PASTURE MIX       $4.25/lb         $212 50 lbs
30% Payday Perennial Ryegrass, 20% Macbeth Bromegrass, 15% Filly Forage Kentucky Bluegrs, 15% Sunrise Timothy, 15% Echelon Orchardgrass, 5% Ladino clover
Forage Kentucky Bluegrass is leafier, taller growing & more vigorous than bluegrass used on lawns.  Produces lush spring & fall pasture.
24 lbs/acre. Perennial.


PERMANENT PASTURE MIX      $4/lb        $200 50 lbs
20% Echelon Orchardgs, 20% Greedale Fescue, 20% Duo Festulolium, 15% Sunrise Timothy, 10% PS Alfalfa, 10% Gallant Red Clover, 5% Ladino
Durable mix of improved grasses, alfalfa, & clover. Can be used for sheep, beef & dry cows.
22-25 lbs/acre. Perennial.


LOWLAND MIX      $4/lb       $200 50 lbs
35% greendale forage tall fescue, 20% gallant red clover, 20% PS 2000 timothy, 15% preval meadow fescue, 10% perennial ryegrass
Performance mix for wet and variable soils. Produces excellent forage, good drought tolerance
25 lbs/acre. Perennial.

ECONOMY MIX      $3.40/lb      $169 50 lbs
40% climax timothy, 40% medium red clover, 20% alsike clover
An economical mixture of grass and clover that can be used on heavy soils. Can be used for hay, haylage, or pasture. Should not be used for horses.
22-25 lbs/acre. Perennial.

PASTURE REFRESHER   $4.00/lb      $179.00 50 lbs
30% duo festulolium, 25% payday tetraploid perennial ryegrass, 20% echelon orchard grass, 15% meroa italian ryegrass, 10% ladino.
A premier mix designed for overseeding or frost seeding an existing pasture or meadow. Improves quality and yields of existing stands. Can be seeded straight for new stand establishment.
20-40 lbs/acre. Perennial.




Annual Forage Crops


Cattleman’s Choice Sudan Sorghum    $1.20/lb    $53.00 50 lbs
High yielding.  Vigorous growth.
50-65 lbs/acre. Annual.

Japanese Millet   $1.30/lb     $62.00   50 lbs
Warm season annual crop commonly grown for mid season grazing & forage production.  Cattle find the forage palatable and it can be cut or grazed multiple times in a season.
32-44 lbs/acre. Annual.

Small Grains & Cover Crops

Austenson Spring Barley      $0.60/lb  $26.00 50 lb bag
2 Row feed-type Spring Barley with excellent grain yields.  Also works well for forage as a nurse crop with new seedings.
120 + lbs per acre. Annual.

Cover Crop Winter Rye      $0.50/lb      $24 56 lb bag
Hardiest of cereal grains, can be seeded late into the fall. Extensive root-holding ability & weed suppression.
112-168lbs per acre. Annual.

Buckwheat      $1.40/lb       $68 50 lb bag
Cover crop or grain seeded in early summer.  Fast establishing great pollinator crop.
45-65 lbs per acre. Annual.

Maxum Field Peas     $1.50/lb   $46 50 lb bag
Designed for the dairy & beef silage.  Vine length has been reported as long as six feet!
100 lbs/acre. Annual.

Haywire Forage Oats     $0.75/lb    $30 48 lb bag
Large leaf Forage Oat. Exceptional digestibility, the best feed quality available.
96-160 lbs per acre. Annual.

Buck Forage Oats    $1/lb      $40 50 lb bag
Winter hardy great fall & winter food source designed to provide more tender growth for a longer time. Plant in September.
100 lbs per acre. Annual.

GT1 Soybeans    $1.50/lb     $54 50 lb bag
Round up ready.  Tall, medium bushy plants.  High-yielding with broad adaptability.
125 lbs per acre. Annual.

Select Armor Oats       50¢/lb     $15 50 lb bag
A productive medium maturity light yellow oat.  Very similar appearance to Ogle with better test weight & yield.
100 lbs per acre. Annual.

Penetrator Radish $2.75/lb   $131 50 lb bag
A true forage type Daikon Radish with a large taproot & superior penetrating ability. Features new genetics with improved rooting & delayed maturity.  The best radish available today.
8-12 lbs per acre. Annual.

Ground Hog Radish  $2.75/lb    $131 50 lb bag
A proven Daikon type forage radish.  Grows quickly with large, lush leaves & big roots.  Can be grazed as well.
8-12 lbs per acre. Annual.


Lawn Seeds

Conservation Mix    $4 lb    $200 50 lb bag
25% Tall Fescue, 20% Annual Ryegrass, 20% Timothy, 18% Creeping Red Fescue, 10% Perennial Rye, 3% Kentucky Blue, 2% White Clover, 2% Trefoil
6 lbs for 1000 sq ft. Perennial.

Pro Landscape $4.25   $212 50 lb bag
63% perennial ryegrass, 25% creeping red fescue, 10% Kentucky bluegrass
6 lbs for 1000 sq ft. Perennial.

VNS Annual Ryegrass   $1.50     $63 50 lb bag
High quality fast growing with great winter hardiness.
25 lbs per acre. Annual.